Friday, December 17, 2010

Metaphors of Educators

With the many facets of metaphors for educators, it is hard to decide which one best describes the role of educators. "All four models, then, share a common attribute of blending the concept of educator expertise with learner contruction"(Siemens, 2007). I tend to gravitate more toward the educator as concierge. " The concierge serves to provide a form of "soft" guidance - at times, incorporating traditional lectures and, in other instances, permitting learners to explore on their own" (Siemens, 2007, P.17). An educator's job is to provide students with the opportunities to expand their knowledge by various methods of instruction. All learners are not the same and does not learn in the same way, so educators must profice a plethora of learning possibilities for their students. I believe this incorporates all other metaphors provided by Siemens, as what an educator should be. Another good example of a metaphor of an educator as coach. A coach does many of the jobs of others all in one and being a coach of education will allow guidance for all students in what ever area is necessary at the specific time.


  1. Aretha,

    I never considered myself a concierge - but the description as you provided it - does touch on everything I do. I see myself more as an educational guide but I guess it does not matter what metaphor one uses so long as each learning style is addresses to facilitate learning. The reading by Siemens was fascinating in that the more I read the more I saw bits and pieces of my teaching style in everything discussed.


  2. If I understand you correctly, you are calling for educators to fit into all the metaphors simultaneously? That seems an awful lot to ask of educators.

  3. Hi Durff,
    I believe we already do it unwittingly. Teachers serve so many purposes in the classroom to some we also, a lot of times, serve as a parent. I have had some students call me mom by accident. Maybe its a case of a different level of education. What level are you in? In the elementary and middle school level, we are so much to these kids.
